About the log-in system

How to do the exam with the new login user space at BirdID

Logging in:

Returning users: All previous users have been given an account. If you ever completed an exam with us, you will already have an account AUTOMATICALLY set up for you EVEN THOUGH YOU NEVER LOGGED IN BEFORE OR SET THIS UP YOURSELF. Please log in using the email you used when signing up for the exam as the username. If you never logged in before, use the "reset password" function to get a password link sent to your email, open the email, then log in with the link.

New users: Create an account, by pressing the login-button, choosing register, submitting your email and settng a password. Then verify your email by clicking the link in the automatic email sent to you. Then go to https://www.birdid.no/bird/userPageHome.php to sign up for an exam (If you get the message "An account with that email already exist" then please DO NOT use a different email address! Instead press the reset password button and follow the steps for returning users).

Completing an exam:

You NO LONGER NEED CODES to do the exams. Instead you can find direct links to your approved exams at your profile page. After logging in go to : https://www.birdid.no/bird/userPageHome.php and find your exams and their status under "Study".


Invalid token

The error message "Invalid token" is caused by clicking an expired activation link in the automated emails.
If you have clicked the button "Forgot password" several times, then you will receive several emails with activation links. Always use the link in the LAST email you received.
The same goes for first time users activating their account.
If in doubt, click "Forgot password" ONCE and wait until you receive the email with the link, then click it.