BirdID's Bird Guide
This book is a work in progress. The aim is to cover all the birds of the Western Palearctic. It is currently available in Norwegian and English. The book will be translated to other languages as well.
The book is integrated with the training quiz. To take full advantage of this you need to log in to our system when you do the quiz. You can then keep track of your learning progress. Even more features are on their way.
Additional media is displayed at the bottom of each species page. Photos and sounds are a mix of donated material and creative commons licensed photos and sound. Donated photos mostly have their photographer credited with a watermark, while creative commons related credits are given at the bottom of the pages.
This Bird Guide is written by Audun Eriksen.
Educational program by Magne Husby.
Current number of published species: 370
List of contributors.
Can't find the species you are looking for? Vote for the next species here.
The bird guide is also available as an app: